Qi (or chi) is life energy. In Star Wars, it’s the Force. In Highlander, it’s the Quickening (maybe stretching a little).
A new book idea grabbed me recently (because I’m not busy enough, right?). I’ve been calling it Firelight, but I’m sure that title will change.
The life energy of the land has been torn apart for years. The main character (she doesn’t have a name yet) discovers how to restore the balance, but she doesn’t like what she has to do (what fun would that be?). There will be romance and threat of death and friendship and lots of danger (thanks to the evil villain who created the imbalance and lives on the life energy of the people. Ewww.).
There’s always a person or two who thinks using the Force for evil benefits them. Of course, they’re wrong. I don’t have a name for Qi (or Life) in this new book yet.
Whatever Qi is called, Life is in eternal balance. Evil destroys itself, eventually.
Do you know of other books or movies that use a “force” or life energy?