Happy New Year!
Here’s a quick review of 2017. It was a pretty good year for me. It was not nearly as productive as I would’ve liked, but I can’t complain much considering I had to replace only one major appliance (and it wasn’t the dishwasher, which needed several tech visits to find the still-in-warranty problem!). Here are the highlights for 2017:
- My kids are amazing human beings.
- I traveled to Hungary, Austria, and Czech Republic with someone I love to be with. If you’re debating about where to travel in Europe, go to Budapest. Oh my goodness. I’m in love with that city and will go back.
- We added the most adorable puppy to our crazy pack of rescue dogs.
- I’ve been discovering me again. I kinda like me, too.
New Year Plans…
For 2018, I have all kinds of goals and plans that are mostly realistic and achievable:
- Complete my updated will. It’s gigantically important that I do this as a widowed mom, but everyone should have a will in place. Everyone.
- Mermaids Don’t Do Windows is going to get an update. It’s time to freshen up the webplace and find my blogging voice again.
- Speaking of freshening up… Declutter, paint rooms, and renovate bathrooms in my house.
- Wrap up revisions for one of my manuscripts, finish writing a second book, and complete researching a third. Time to get these done.
- Use my calendar planner in a modified bullet journal way because I have yet to find a premade planner that works for me and following a true bullet journal method stresses me out.
- Keep learning to speak Hungarian, which is a super interesting language. Maybe I should have studied linguistics in college. I love words. All kinds of words.
Boldog Újévet!
What about you? How did 2017 go for you? What are your goals for 2018?