Another title I thought of for this post was “I’ve Created a Monster.” However, I decided that it really is about keeping a promise, no matter how small.
When my younger daughter saw the Marce and Kevvan ponies I made for PonyFest12, she wanted to make some, too. I’d intentionally not shown her my ponies or the Pony Creator website, because I knew she would be all over it.

She caught me working on my last-minute brony entry and then hovered while I updated my PonyFest12 entry post. Starting October 5, you can vote for my entry and get your friends to vote, too. *hint, hint* *nudge, nudge*
“What is that?” she asked. She pointed at the Marce pony.
I told her that it was the other pony I made.
“What are you doing?” she asked. “You made two ponies?” Her voice said it all: “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this.”
I know where this was going. She wanted that website under her control. I told her that I was updating my blog with my new pony and she’d have to wait.
“Oh, I know what a blog is. It’s where people put stuff and write stuff.”

Very eloquent. I’m not sure how she knew that.
“So are you going to put mine on there, too?” she asked.
Hmmm…. “Not on this post,” I said. She deflated before my eyes. “How about if I make a new post for your ponies?”
That perked her up. “Right now?”
All this was going on while I wrote a description of my Kevvan brony. “Let me finish this post first. Then, I’ll work on one for your ponies. Will that work for you?”

She squeeeeeeed with joy and bounded off to play. When I finished my update, she took over the computer for about an hour to create two very pink ponies. I find it hilarious that she made them nearly identical after she started from a random selection both times.
She’s made a few more since, including her recreation of Princess Luna.
A promise is a promise, no matter how small or how young the child.
I hope you’ll go over to Rebecca Enzor’s blog and vote for my pony entry for PonyFest12. Vote as often as you can so I can win a custom-made pony! 😉
What was the silliest or smallest promise a child asked you keep? Have you made a child any promises that you found hard to keep? Share in the comments!