Posts Tagged: Groundhog Day
Yes, I know it’s not Groundhog Day. Armadillo decided that she wants to see the State Secret Keepers have an adventure with the folklore around the famous, season-predicting groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil. He has his own website ( where the legend says if the groundhog “sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter … Read the rest →
A long, long time loop ago, in a repetitive land far, far away… I taught college freshman writing and basic English grammar classes. I was wrapping up my master’s degree in literature and found a part-time teaching job from a four-line ad in the newspaper classified section. (Actually, I answered four tiny ads despite my husband’s complete doubt … Read the rest →
Looks like an early spring this year. That’s what the Groundhog predicts, because he didn’t see his shadow, which means he didn’t feel the need to hide in his burrow for a long winter. I never understood that. Wouldn’t he be warmer if the sun was out? Check out the history of Groundhog Day. It’s … Read the rest →