Posts Tagged: lessons learned
In many time traveling stories a character changes something with good intentions only to realize later that the time tweak resulted in the very thing he or she had tried to improve or prevent. Time tweaking. If I had a way to travel back in time, what would I tweak? We are who we are … Read the rest →
I hope y’all enjoyed the A to Z Challenge last month here at Mermaids Don’t Do Windows. I certainly did. Normally, after a challenge like that—the kind that stretches a person into different habits—I would have taken a couple of days to decompress a little and reflect on the adventure. It’s a good thing for … Read the rest →
A few years ago (I avoid specifics in time these days), my husband and I started growing easy vegetables (peppers and tomatoes) in pots. That led to using the flower beds as garden beds, which led to a huge new bed and… Yeah, those first veggies were the gateway…You get the idea. Here are a … Read the rest →