Posts Tagged: Animal Planet
Animal Planet did it again. They have “new evidence” that mermaids are real. Twitter was alive with #mermaids–instead of going to bed, I watched the tweets about the show roll in. I have to believe that some of the people get that it’s a science fiction show, and they are tweeting tongue-in-cheek comments about believing … Read the rest →
Today is a blogging milestone for me: This is my 100th post. I’m not sure anyone is as shocked as I am. I tried to think of a great way to celebrate. Of course, I’m revisiting one of my favorite topics: Mermaids! Mermaids aren’t real? was my first post ever. I was just launching Mermaids … Read the rest →
I had a different idea for my first post, but then I heard about the announcement that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration made recently that “No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found.” Really? All this because Animal Planet ran a science fiction episode about what if mermaids were an evolutionary possibility? You … Read the rest →