There is something very wrong with me. I have the inability to say, “No.” I’m working on it, but the clone machine still isn’t working. *kicks equipment*
I miss checking in with everyone, but my blogging efforts are going to be a little on the light side for a few weeks while I take a writing course. I did say this is the year I kick up my writing to a new level. I’ll post more about the course later.
As I mentioned in my last post, #PonyFest14 is here. What fun would it be if I didn’t post my own ponies–even though I can’t enter the contest after winning #PonyFest12. And, since I can’t have my own clone, I’m writing about one (or more).
Here’s a rough description of the story: These twins, Jay and Em, are computer savvy and on the run. One of them glows in black light. The other wears florescent Halloween makeup to disguise that she doesn’t. Jay thought she knew all the family secrets–she missed a few. When Em is taken by the geneticist who created her, Jay must save Em before he uses her in a deadly experiment.
Here’s a glimpse into GLOW.
If you want to enter your own book in the form of a pony (or two…), go see Rebecca Enzor’s #PonyFest14 post for the rules and details.
Have a great week!