What song doesn’t sound better with more cowbell?
How about a concert for the cows?
The cows were attentive and, while their cowbells added a little something to the music, they were more polite than many adults at a high school orchestra concert that we just attended.
Everyone likes the sound of jingling, jangling keys, right? *cough*
Here are a few courteous things we can all remember to do so everyone enjoys an orchestra or band concert:
- If we’re late or have to leave, wait until the music stops.
- Put car keys in a purse or pocket before entering the theater or take them out after leaving.
- Don’t talk during the performance.
- Turn phone sounds off. (Seriously, do people still have trouble remembering this one?)
Remember: Parents are taking videos of their kids. They don’t want us or our conversations in those videos.
If you’re gonna hate on the kids’ hard work and the parents who want to listen, don’t hate on Kansas. One of the coolest, not-classical songs that the orchestra has gotten to play (“Carry on My Wayward Son”), and the ending is given this rough treatment:
Hey, dude, you could’ve cleared your throat about two seconds later. (*stomps foot*)
(I turned a picture of the program into a mini movie with sound. I hope it works for you.)The cows were better listeners in the video than the adults were at this event. I was tempted to ask the lady who answered her cell phone next to me if she had been raised in a barn, but that would have insulted the cows, whose cowbells didn’t take away from the music at all.
On the bright side, the man in front of me didn’t cough during most of the song, so I can chop off that last bit.
I’m stepping off my ranty-with-a-smidge-of-snarky-humor soap box now. 😀
Have you seen that cow concert video before? Do you have any performance pet peeves?