When I was five, my family went out on a boat ride and caught sea horses. Real live little sea horses.
The creatures, especially the leafy sea dragon ones, are some of my favorite sea creatures.
Of course, the merhorse version of the sea pony (aka Hippocampus) captures my imagination. A horse with a fish tail! What’s not to love? (No surprise, right?)
Since today is the S day in the A to Z Challenge, I’ll stick with the “sea” words, even though I love the merseapony pet I made for my merseamaid.
I wanted to post the sea horse that I drew and painted in high school, but I can’t find the darn thing. I’m pretty sure I kept it. You’ll have to settle for this image from my high school scrapbook.
(It was a slumber party my senior year for freshman girls. I have no idea who the girls are anymore. Don’t judge…)
It’s not that easy to see. I’m still bummed that I can’t find my original.
Recently, a traveling carnival was in town. They had the best carrousel–the kind that has a variety of animals, including a rooster, a cat, a rabbit, AND this sea horse dragon:
If you want to read a cool book that has a sea dragon, then Elemental Magic by Angela Wallace is great. Angela is pretty great, too. 🙂
I have to admit that the Letter S did sneak up on me, because life and stuff has been going on. DFWCon is also coming up, so all the things!
What’s your favorite sea creature? Do you wish you could ride a sea pony–a real one, not a carrousel (even though they are cooler than a carrousel horse)?