Have you every met a fisherman who told the truth about his or her catch?
“The one that got away was T H I S B I G!”
Right. Fish tales about the size of the fish tails.
I know the best real life fish tale ever, but it’s my husband’s story, so I’m not allowed to post about it. (Spoilsport.)
I’ve always had a thing for fish tails, too. I even made myself a mermaid in a college art class. The assignment was to create a life-size, not-boring self portrait. You can take a look at it in my very first post.
I’ve been drawing things with fish tails since forever. While I was digging around in my portfolios for a sea pony that I’d painted in high school, I found the lithographs I created in college. By the time I decided to change my major from Studio Art to Writing, I was just a few hours short of earning a minor in Art, so I continued with Lithography (I adored printmaking on stone, but metal plates were less labor intensive!).
And since I was also earning a Minor in French, I combined them both in one art project.

There is a second one with a dragon in a forest with fairies and more of the poem. I found a few of the proofs, but I couldn’t find the final prints. Not sure where they are. I had fun in poetry class, too, and took every opportunity to work fantasy elements into everything. I’m still a goober. 😀 And, no, I’m not going to translate. LOL
One of my favorite fish tales of all time is Splash. Of course, there is always The Little Mermaid. Did you know that the original didn’t end as nicely as the Disney version?
What fish tales have you heard or told? What are your favorite fish tail books or movies?