Maybe it’s the blues from being separated from all the wonderful writer people after spending two 12-hour days with them at WANACon. By the end of the “after party,” we were all a little punch drunk—some more than others. But what happens at WANACon, stays at WANACon. No password, no recordings. Not that the after party was recorded anyway. *wipes brow in relief*
Maybe it’s the attic full of heating & air guys reconstructing the space (and making so much noise) to replace our dead air system. Yay for the freeze warning tonight! (NOT)
Maybe it’s that I’ve written at least four drafts for blog posts today and nothing feels right and one of my baby veggie pictures has gone missing (assuming, of course, that I actually took the picture two months ago).
Maybe It’s that I keep looking at my short bio and thinking that I need to change it since both our dogs have gone over that rainbow bridge. Sigh.
Whatever the case, I think a smile is in order. 😀
Good ol’ cheese grits with eggs and venison link sausage. Hot and steamy yumminess. Don’t need words now!
What are your plans for the week? What’s your favorite comfort food?