If you know me at all, you know that I’ve drunk of the WANA Way kool-aid. It’s yummy kool-aid, too. I encourage all my writerly friends to partake.
I’ve been to conferences for technical writing. I’ve even presented. But those were not for what I wanted to do when I grow up.
Then, I went to DFWCon 2012 and met Kristen Lamb and drank the kool-aid and learned more in the last year and a half than I have since graduate school *cough vague number cough* years ago. And then DFWCon 2013, where I met WANA writer friends (in person!) who had drunk the WANA Way kool-aid, too.

Bonus PajamaCon on the 20th!
Then last year, WANA International put on the first WANACon. Just dump the entire cooler of kool-aid over me. Here’s my post about that one: Why Take a Sip When You Can Drink from the Hose. And I went back for more last October. And I’m going back again this weekend.
By “going,” I mean that I’m going to sit my butt in front of my computer and log in to the online classrooms. I’m even taking a day off from the technical writing job. The only reason I won’t be in my PJs is that I have to drive the kids to school in the morning.
I’ll pick the sessions I want to attend live and watch the other sessions’ recordings later. Writers will be hanging out and chatting in the Lobby. I’m also helping out, because all conferences need helpers.
So why am I telling you all this? Well, because Mermaids Don’t Do Windows will be a little quiet this week while I stuff my head with information.
Also, I think you should look into registering for WANACon if you’re a writer. (No traveling, no packing, and a price easy on the checkbook with a huge value per training session.)
Another very cool thing that’s going on: there are three awesome agents who are going to listen to pitches. You don’t even have to be registered for WANACon to register for a pitch session. Practice pitches are acceptable, too, as long as the agent knows it up front—because that’s a consultation, not really a pitch.
- Β SIGN UP for WANACon HERE. (Yeah, tell ’em I sent you. π )
- SIGN UP for Agent Pitches HERE.
I’d love to see you there. π