We all know that I’m not a big fan of washing windows or dishes or clothes or…
Yeah, yeah.
When I bought the Rolls Royce and Cadillac (the washer and dryer) several years ago, I thought my days of ironing were over. They both have wrinkle preventers.
Riiiiiight. Sure they do. That’s why I see this:

I would love to know what I’m doing wrong that keeps the washer from preventing wrinkles and the dryer from releasing them.
How hard is it to push those buttons and then pull out smooth clothing at the end of the cycle like they show in commercials?

That’s what I want.
I want the laundry to be wrinkle free.
I want it now.
Is that too much to ask?
I’ve even used the wrinkle release sprays as I hang up the shirts.
I don’t want to use another product. The dryer says, “Wrinkle Release” on the settings. It should say, “Wrinkle Crease.”
What do you do to decrease your chances of laundry wrinkles? Short of ironing, of course. 😀 Share your tips, please!