Don’t throw out that milk!

Quick reminder about PonyFest13

Go check out all the amazing entries at Rebecca Enzor’s blog, and then VOTE for your favorite pony (Montesque by Diananot-so-subtle hint hint).

Now, back to our sorta-regularly scheduled blog post!


We’ve all experienced that moment when we open the half-full milk carton, and the sour smell hits our noses.

Diana Beebe's Blog, Diana Beebe, science fiction, middle grade fantasy, fantasy, Mermaids Don't Do Windows


Not the milk. The kids wanted to drink that.

Wait! Don’t throw out that milk!

I know what you’re thinking, “It’s spoiled. I’m not drinking it. My kids aren’t drinking it.”

Save the milk!

Confession time…

My senior year in college, I made it into the most sought-after elective class for most upperclassmen. Only 18 students were allowed to take the class each semester, and I got in. *happy dance*

The Gourmet Foods cooking class taught me how to cook gourmet meals. Long, multi-ingredient dishes.

You would think that would make me a great cook. *blink*

Yeah, no.

I’m digressing. Back to saving that smelly milk.

First, decide the level of spoiledness:

  1. The sour is just starting.
  2. The sour makes your eyes water.
  3. Who decided to make curds and whey in the refrigerator?
  4. You’re afraid you need to call out a HASMAT team to dispose of it.

If the spoiled milk falls into levels 2-4, get rid of it. You have to judge for yourself what the level is. Remember: If in doubt, throw it out.


  • A microwave
  • A microwavable measuring cup
  • An oven mitt
  • A clean pitcher

The process:

  1. Pour exactly 1 cup of the milk into the microwavable cup. (This won’t work if it’s more than a cup. Less than a cup might result in over heating.)
  2. In the microwave, heat the milk on HIGH for 2 minutes.
  3. Pour the heated/cooked milk into the clean pitcher. (Use an oven mitt if the cup is hot. Safety first!)
  4. Repeat until all the milk has been heated.
  5. Cool the milk in the refrigerator.

The cooled milk should last a few more days. Yay!

Note: The re-Pasteurization works only once.

Remember that coveted Gourmet Foods cooking class? That milk-saving trick was one of the only things I remember and still use from that class. The cookbook (in all it’s traditionally-typed and photocopied glory) has a place on my book shelf, but the recipes are long and complicated.

Soooo, my parents should be thrilled to know the money spent on my college education helps me save money by rescuing spoiled milk.


Do you have any tips or tricks for keeping food fresh longer? What are things you do to save food from spoilage?

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