Happy Valentine’s Day!
Last night I had this post written and ready to send first thing in this morning. My dog had different plans. He had the Valentine’s Day Apocalypse all figured out.
My husband heard a strange noise. I heard it, too, but didn’t investigate. It was as if my brain couldn’t register the sound and process what it could be. Then in the middle of the night, my husband found The Armadillo’s bag of finished cards with M&Ms bags attached on the floor.
I had visions of The Armadillo not having cards to take to schoool for the class party.
Oh, no. I checked the bag. One was missing. It was the Valentine’s Day Apocalypse!
Then I found this:
And saw this face:
This dog has been known to unzip backpacks to get to goodies inside, even homework. One Christmas, he ate an entire chocolate bar out of a visitor’s bag that had been left on the floor. Before you get upset that he ate chocolate, he’s fine. This dog is something else.
I found an extra card. There was one bag of M&Ms left. Apocalypse averted! *wipes brow*
Now back to the regularly scheduled post:
For Valentine’s Day, I’m going to share a little blog love and news love. There are many more that I could list, but The Armadillo has to finish her Valentine’s Day cards for school.
For added fun, I’m adding in some newsy love of stories. Life really is crazier than fiction sometimes. I hope you enjoy the links! Sorry, I’m moving these to a later post, due to the saving of the Valentine’s Day party world.
Blog Love
- Want to go to a conference, but don’t want to travel? Go to WANACon! Kristen Lamb gives us a bonus PajamaCon.
- Synopsis writing? See what Jami Gold has to say about writing successful ones.
- If you haven’t heard, Pauline B. Jones is a brand new grandmother to twins. She doesn’t like bears much though even when they are Valentine Bears.
- Julie Glover takes the Brownings’ love letters to Twitter.
- Jenny Hansen has a Valentine’s Day Pimp and Promote post going. Go promote or pimp. 😉
Do you have anything special going on for Valentine’s Day? Are you a blogger with a fun post about the day or know someone else with one? Share it in the comments!