Last week, I was a total blogging slacker. So sorry to disappear like that, but you know how life gets in the way sometimes. Now I’m back with a vengeance.
Well, if I could take out revenge on a dishwasher….

It’s not the dishwasher’s fault. So instead, my wrath should be pointed at the genii (pronounced jee-nee-ahy)* who designed the dishwasher with the fuse on the worst possible place–the inside as far back as possible.
Seriously? Did any of those guys think that the fuse would last forever? Did they try to extract the dishwasher and replace a fuse?
Their Quality Assurance department was short at least one test case: “Can a mermaid housewife husband change the fuse easily?”
If the dishwasher hadn’t blown a fuse the first week after we bought it, we might not have know that the fuse was the trouble. The store sent a service guy over. He showed us (mostly because we watched) that he had to extract the entire dishwasher from the cabinets and tilt it over wildly (without tumping it on its side) to get to the fuse. Then, he had to right the appliance and rock it back into position under the counter.
Are you kidding me?
I had to empty the dishwasher and wash it all by hand. Grrrr.
Lessons learned from this dishwasher and what we’ll do next time we buy one:
- Where is the fuse located and how easy is it to change? (Not kidding. We had no idea this was something to think about.)
- Does it clean well? (Despite good reviews, this one doesn’t. *pout*)
- Does it match the other appliances? (Yeah, this shouldn’t be number 1 on the list. *smirk*)
*The word genii is a plural of the word genius. It’s not as common as geniuses (and is mostly related to the mythical geniis), but it’s The Mockingbird’s favorite form of the word, so I use it. 🙂
I debated about telling you who makes this dishwasher, but I didn’t. Hmmm… *cough*Samsung*cough*
What appliance lessons have you learned? Could you or do you live without a dishwasher?